What is Extended Book
Extended Book is a new way to share extra content with book readers. It enables the publishers and the authors themselves to feed the reader's curiosity even after the book's release and ongoingly. Extended Book is a hub where, via a QR code or a short URL, the reader can find everything connected to the book, such as updates, videos and audio files, hence greatly amplifying the content of the book.
Extended Book can also host users' content, for example, changes in opening times of a museum, or the reader's personal apple pie recipe – all curated and filtered by the publisher and/or the author.
There are infinite possibilities of added content depending on the genre of the book in question: from an author's personal notes to a complete essay - or even a video clip with the first shot of a movie tie in or simply a relevant piece of video footage, it could be a depiction of a historical event. Of course, music will be a key feature too, a Spotify playlist explaining Georgian vocal polyphony or selected as a soundtrack for a novel. In addition, the Extended Book would include any promotional material connected to the book, from interviews with the author to reviews and events.
Currently publishers adopting Extended Book are hosting extra content on their websites, but a new platform will soon be available, offering advanced features, such as alerts to inform users when new content is added or localisation services that offer content linked to the specific location where the user happens to be.
When a Sunday Roast is really delicious, you don't want to miss the trimmings!
For more information: info@extendedbook.eu